Join NSRH for a 6 Month Series for Members!
From trending blood work to medication management to the noticing the subtle changes in patient conditions, as nurses (LP/VNs, RNs, NPs, CNMs), we are constantly managing an enormous amount of information. However, there is a lack of nursing school or job-based training on how structures of oppression impact our patients, communities, and profession.
To address these gaps, NSRH hosts an annual 6-month virtual Member-Education Series. Each year there is a theme that looks at a unique systemic issue and how it impacts health & wellbeing, patient presentation, the nursing practice, as well as tools for advocating for change at an interpersonal level to a system wide level. Topics range from: sex and pleasure in the Black community to creating a trans-liberatory health system, moral injury in nursing, and so much more!
The Education Series is a space for NSRH members to learn from leaders in the field and build community with other SRH and reproductive justice minded nursing members.
Members can access previous Education Series recordings on theOnline Institute!
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2023-2024 Series: Grief & Nursing- Caring for Patients, Caring for Yourself
Nurses, regardless of the setting we practice in,bear witness to and experience grief first-hand. We support patients through a range of loss and transformational moments: whether that be life-changing diagnosis, pregnancy loss, trauma surrounding birth, or end-of- life care. Moreover, nurses often experience personal grief as we navigate compassion fatigue, moral injury, and unsustainable working conditions. Yet, nurses are rarly taught or provided with tools to navigate grief personally or with our patients. In this 6-month series, from September-February 2023, NSRH will facilitate a monthly space to learn about different aspects of grief inherent to care work and come away with strategies to support ourselves and our patients in more honest, holistic ways.
You can register for each month's event through yourNSRH member portal.
Previous Series: Reproductive Justice
In our first series, we explored various intersections that impact people's ability to choose if or when to have children and how to birth and care for the families they want in safe environments- the core principles of Reproductive Justice.
Topics included:
- Black Women's Sexual Well-Being: Sex Positive Implications for Nursing Professionals w/ Dr Shemeka Thorpe
- Food Justice and Autonomy w/ Frontline Farming- a BIPOC farming collective
- The System Isn’t Broken, It’s Working as Designed: Trans-Liberatory Strategies for Health Systems Change w/ Zena Sharman and Dr. Ronica Mukerjee
Transformative Nursing: Deconstructing Punitive Healthcare
In our second series, we explored distinct populations that are criminalized within the medical industrial complex and examined the inextricable links between reproductive justice and racial justice. Using research and discussion, we looked at pathways forward for nurses to unlearn our own punitive practices to move towards a system that promotes healing rather than perpetuating harm.
Topics included:
- Introduction to Abolition in Healthcare & Nursing - w/ Interrupting Criminalization
- Criminalization of Pregnancy: Birth, Miscarriage, Abortion, Infertility - w/ Pregnancy Justice
- Sex Work & Human Trafficking: Navagiating Complexities to Mitigate Harm- w/ Sex-worker Outreach Project
- Pregnant People who use Drugs- w/ The Academy of Perinatal Harm Reduction