Start A Student Chapter

Are you a nursing student looking to learn more about sexual and reproductive health and build community on your campus?

Do you want to learn more about how to pursue a career in nursing that aligns with your values?

Are you interested in hosting events, speakers, and meetings?


If you answered, yes, to any of these questions you should consider starting an NSRH Chapter on your campus.

Student activists are the foundation and the future of Nurses for Sexual & Reproductive Health, which was originally formed as a collaborative effort between nursing students from two schools: Oregon Health Sciences University (OHSU) in portland, and Winona State University in Minnesota. Today we have chapters across the country, and we now offer an expansive membership program for nurses at all stages of their careers.

Our Chapter Organizing Network is a nationwide community of nursing students and educators at nursing schools that organize and advocate for the inclusion of sexual and reproductive health, rights, and justice within nursing education. Interested in organizing on your campus?

Benefits of starting a chapter

  • Being part of building a campus community dedicated to SRH advocacy and education.
  • Opportunities to engage with faculty members outside of the classroom.
  • Opportunities to connect with a network of chapter leaders across the country and a network of professional srh nurses and advocates.
  • Ability to host speakers on your campus to learn about critical issues in sexual and reproductive health and justice that may be missing from your course curricula.
  • Receive tools and resources to help you advocate for curriculum reform that better reflects your values and professional aims as a nurse.

First Steps:

  1. If you haven't already, apply for free student membership so you have access to all the resources and support NSRH national has to offer.
  2. Reach out to our student engagement coordinator to learn more about how to get your chapter started.
  3. Select a faculty advisor.
  4. Register your chapter.
  5. Start to brainstorm advocacy goals and ideas for events.
  6. Recruit other like-minded students to join your chapter.