Training in Abortion Care Residency

In a time when abortion care is becoming increasingly less accessible, and attacks on the legal right to healthcare are seemingly never-ending, NSRH is doubling down on our commitment to creating a world where all people have access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health (SRH). NSRH's Training in Abortion Care Residency (TAC) is a part of that commitment. The TAC residency is the only clinical training opportunity for registered nurses in abortion care in the nation! 

TAC’s first cohort was established in honor of Helen Pearl Lay Watson, a registered nurse and pro-choice supporter who practiced for 54 years, mainly in the states of Kentucky and Tennessee. Helen’s granddaughters, Julie Watson and Katie Watson, are honoring her legacy by supporting the development of the TAC residency. Check out Helen’s amazing nursing legacy. 


As the nation's only hands-on abortion training residency for registered nurses, this residency aims to develop robust cohorts of nurses who are equipped to provide comprehensive SRH healthcare and advocate for expanded access in their communities. The TAC Residency accomplishes this through a combination of hands-on clinical experience, advocacy-building workshops, and individual, self-paced education. This program also aims to build local advocates, which is why residents must already live in the states of our clinical partners. See the FAQ section for more details. 

Clinical Experience

Residents will be paired with a partner clinic that specializes in abortion care. The clinical experience will be hands-on learning where the nurse will be expected to assist in the daily routines of the clinic.  Each resident will complete a minimum of 80 hours of clinical experience over 6 months. NSRH is committed to developing community-based, region SRH providers, therefore, only nurses living in the states of our partner clinics will be eligible to apply.

Participants will recieve a $1,000 stipend to help offset the costs incurred from participating. 

Group Learning

In addition to the clinical experience, TAC educates residents on broader issues surrounding abortion care, SRH and Reproductive Justice.  Every month residents meet as a group with content area experts to delve deeper in their local abortion access landscape or a specific patient population that experiences unique barriers to patient-centered care.

Independent Study

Each month residents will complete a unique package of education to enhance their ability to advocate and provide abortion care from an evidence-based lens. This is a combination of webinars, academic journals, and interactive modules that residents will complete, self-paced, on our Online Institute.


Applications for the 2025 cohort are now closed. Check back in spring 2025 for news regarding the next application cycle.


Frequently Asked Questions