The webinar will detail the research regarding the sexual well-being of Black women and examine how nurses can use this research to inform their practice, identify signs of sexual guilt and/or sexual self-consciousness and implement interventions that promote sexual pleasure.
A nonprofit organization dedicated to providing culturally inclusive, medically accurate, and pleasure guided sexuality education, therapy, and professional training to adults.
The TASHRA organization provides healthcare professional training and research which explores the interaction between kink and health; specifically to describe the physical and mental health of the kink population, their use of healthcare, and their experiences engaging with the healthcare system.
In recognition of the lack of equal attention to sexual health, sexual rights and sexual pleasure in research, education, training, policies and programmes, the Global Advisory Board (GAB) for Sexual Health and Wellbeing has created sexual pleasure assessments and sexual pleasure trainer toolkits.
Dr. Shemeka Thorpe's research focuses on the sexual well-being of Black women throughout their lifespan using sex-positive and intimate justice frameworks.
A paper published by International Planned Parenthood Federation
that offers a reflection on the importance of maintaining the focus on
sexuality as we work together to advance implementation of comprehensive sexuality education programs locally, nationally, regionally, and globally.
The National Coalition for Sexual Health has developed tools for healthcare providers that builds upon CDC's 5 Ps approach that asks patients about 1) Partners 2) Practices 3) Past History of STIs 4) Protection, and 5) Pregnancy. Specifically, the 6th P (or “Plus”) explores sexual satisfaction, functioning, concerns, and support for one's gender identity and sexual orientation.
The STARS Talk is a framework that helps one to have meaningful and intimate, consent-based discussions that are vital for healthy relationships. This tool can be useful in addressing sexual health and pleasure with clients.
This book was written to showcase self-care practices for nurses that will help develop tools to find creative solutions to problems, rely on camaraderie, and continue to flourish in this meaningful career.